Bee Removal Friendswood

Your Local Beekeeping and Bee Removal Experts in Galveston, Texas

Bee Removal Friendswood

Bee Swarm Removal

Welcome to Bee Removal Friendswood – we are your local beekeeping and bee removal experts in Galveston, Texas and we’re on a mission to keep both our local bees and our local folk equally safe and happy. That’s because we really know bees and when you get to know bees you also get to know how incredibly important they are.

Not only for producing honey (though we love that too) but also for pollinating our plants which enables us to have great local food and our local farmers to have a living. All of which means we really take care of bees, an attitude we bring to every bee removal call out. So whatever your bee problems just grab the phone and call our number.

Our Services

Taking care of bees, people, and property requires a fair range of skills and so while you could sum our skills really simply as ‘bee removal’ the fact is that this is an umbrella term that covers a wide range of incidents, ongoing situations, and services that we provide as a result. The following cover our most requested services but there is always the element of the unexpected when it comes to our buzzing friends so if you have a question you don’t see covered here then don’t hesitate to call us and talk about it. We’re always here if you want to give us a buzz about bees.

Bee Removal Friendswood

Bee Hive Removal

Well we wouldn’t be much of a bee removal company if we didn’t remove bees would we? Importantly we are a humane bee removal company so we don’t just come round and spray everything in sight or sound with poisons that will sink into the environment and your home. We take great care to protect the bees, the place we find them, and most importantly of all the people who live there. We are prompt, professional and we will capture those bees, ensure no more bees come back, and release the bees into the keeping of beekeepers in a place where they can carry on their essential work.

Bee Hive Removal Friendswood

Bee hives are a much tougher prospect to remove than bee swarms because the bees have built their home, often hidden away out of sight and will be more likely to get aggressive when defending their queen and their honeycomb. Bee hive removal takes skill and experience in order to avoid hurting either the insects or the people involved but fortunately we have both.

Bee Removal

Bee Swarm Removal Friendswood

bee removal

Swarms form when bees are on the move; usually because they are looking for a new hive. The idea thing is to leave them to it as they will move off when the scouts come back with news of a new location. Sometimes however that just isn’t possible as the swarming bees are in a place where they are way too close to people. That’s when we come in, safely gathering up the bees and moving them on to a place they will be safe.Swarms form when bees are on the move; usually because they are looking for a new hive. The idea thing is to leave them to it as they will move off when the scouts come back with news of a new location. Sometimes however that just isn’t possible as the swarming bees are in a place where they are way too close to people. With bee swarm removal, that’s when we come in, safely gathering up the bees and moving them on to a place they will be safe.

Bee Proofing & Prevention Friendswood

If bees are a regularly recurring problem, or if you have particular reasons to be careful about bees such as a family member having a known bee allergy then call us in to look at bee proofing your home. This doesn’t mean soaking the place with toxins but rather a look at structures we can seal off that might otherwise appeal, ensuring that no lingering bee pheromones are calling to the bees from the remains of a previous hive, and the use of non toxic bee repellents.

Bee Structural Repair

Bee Structural Repair Friendswood

Bee Proofing & Prevention

If the bees broke it, we fix it. If we break it, we fix it and sometimes we do have to break in to dry walls and other nooks and crannies in the quest to remove every single trace of a bee hive so they don’t try to return to. Don’t worry, we do bee structural repair as we go.

DIY Bee Removal Friendswood

Yes you can, but we have to advise you that it really is a job best left to the experts (that’s us). In some cases, however, where the swarm is likely to be unaggressive, where the approach is simple, and where you know where and how to release the bees afterwards you can do the job yourself. We’re still here though, at the other end of the phone, with the advice and guidance to get you through diy bee removal.

Bee Swarm Removal

Bee Removal Friendswood

  1. Your Local Beekeeping and Bee Removal Experts in Galveston, Texas

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